2005-04-20 09:59:37 UTC
I have a problem with the DTMF detection on my B1 controller from AVM.
I get a correct FACILITY_CONF for my FACILITY_REQ but then I dont get
the expected FACILITY_IND after pushing keys.
So am I wrong on expecting FACILITY_IND or do I have another problem?
Thanks for your help,
Here is the protocol:
CAPI_GET_PROFILE: 0x0000 01:34:41:28
Controller 1
01 00 02 00 39 00 00 00 1F 00 00 40 1B 0B 00 00 3F 00 00 80 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 01
00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
CONNECT_REQ ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0045 01:34:41:28
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x1
CIPValue = 0x1
CalledPartyNumber = <80>202
CallingPartyNumber = <00 80>306
CalledPartySubaddress = default
CallingPartySubaddress = default
B1protocol = 0x1
B2protocol = 0x1
B3protocol = 0x0
B1configuration = default
B2configuration = default
B3configuration = default
BC = default
LLC = default
HLC = default
BChannelinformation = default
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
CONNECT_CONF ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0014 01:34:41:29
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
Info = 0x0
CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND ID=002 #0x00f8 LEN=0020 01:34:42:82
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
ConnectedNumber = <00 80>202
ConnectedSubaddress = default
LLC = default
CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP ID=002 #0x00f8 LEN=0012 01:34:42:82
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
CONNECT_B3_REQ ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0013 01:34:42:82
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_CONF ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0014 01:34:43:23
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Info = 0x0
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND ID=002 #0x00f9 LEN=0013 01:34:43:23
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP ID=002 #0x00f9 LEN=0012 01:34:43:35
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
FACILITY_REQ ID=002 #0x00f9 LEN=0022 01:34:43:35
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
FacilitySelector = 0x1
FacilityRequestParameter = <01 00>F<00>F<00 00>
DATA_B3_IND ID=002 #0x00fa LEN=0022 01:34:43:46
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Data = <ab ab ab aa aa aa aa aa aa aa>
DataLength = 0x800
DataHandle = 0x0
Flags = 0x0
DATA_B3_RESP ID=002 #0x00fa LEN=0014 01:34:43:46
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
DataHandle = 0x0
DATA_B3_IND ID=002 #0x00fb LEN=0022 01:34:43:60
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Data = <aa aa aa aa aa aa ab aa ab ab>
DataLength = 0x800
DataHandle = 0x1
Flags = 0x0
DATA_B3_RESP ID=002 #0x00fb LEN=0014 01:34:43:60
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
DataHandle = 0x1
FACILITY_CONF ID=002 #0x00f9 LEN=0019 01:34:43:73
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Info = 0x0
FacilitySelector = 0x1
FacilityConfirmationParameter = <00 00>
DATA_B3_IND ID=002 #0x00fc LEN=0022 01:34:43:73
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Data = <ab ab ab ab aa aa aa aa aa ab>
DataLength = 0x800
DataHandle = 0x2
Flags = 0x0
I have a problem with the DTMF detection on my B1 controller from AVM.
I get a correct FACILITY_CONF for my FACILITY_REQ but then I dont get
the expected FACILITY_IND after pushing keys.
So am I wrong on expecting FACILITY_IND or do I have another problem?
Thanks for your help,
Here is the protocol:
CAPI_GET_PROFILE: 0x0000 01:34:41:28
Controller 1
01 00 02 00 39 00 00 00 1F 00 00 40 1B 0B 00 00 3F 00 00 80 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 01
00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
CONNECT_REQ ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0045 01:34:41:28
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x1
CIPValue = 0x1
CalledPartyNumber = <80>202
CallingPartyNumber = <00 80>306
CalledPartySubaddress = default
CallingPartySubaddress = default
B1protocol = 0x1
B2protocol = 0x1
B3protocol = 0x0
B1configuration = default
B2configuration = default
B3configuration = default
BC = default
LLC = default
HLC = default
BChannelinformation = default
Keypadfacility = default
Useruserdata = default
Facilitydataarray = default
CONNECT_CONF ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0014 01:34:41:29
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
Info = 0x0
CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND ID=002 #0x00f8 LEN=0020 01:34:42:82
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
ConnectedNumber = <00 80>202
ConnectedSubaddress = default
LLC = default
CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP ID=002 #0x00f8 LEN=0012 01:34:42:82
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
CONNECT_B3_REQ ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0013 01:34:42:82
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x101
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_CONF ID=002 #0x0000 LEN=0014 01:34:43:23
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Info = 0x0
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND ID=002 #0x00f9 LEN=0013 01:34:43:23
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
NCPI = default
CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP ID=002 #0x00f9 LEN=0012 01:34:43:35
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
FACILITY_REQ ID=002 #0x00f9 LEN=0022 01:34:43:35
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
FacilitySelector = 0x1
FacilityRequestParameter = <01 00>F<00>F<00 00>
DATA_B3_IND ID=002 #0x00fa LEN=0022 01:34:43:46
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Data = <ab ab ab aa aa aa aa aa aa aa>
DataLength = 0x800
DataHandle = 0x0
Flags = 0x0
DATA_B3_RESP ID=002 #0x00fa LEN=0014 01:34:43:46
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
DataHandle = 0x0
DATA_B3_IND ID=002 #0x00fb LEN=0022 01:34:43:60
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Data = <aa aa aa aa aa aa ab aa ab ab>
DataLength = 0x800
DataHandle = 0x1
Flags = 0x0
DATA_B3_RESP ID=002 #0x00fb LEN=0014 01:34:43:60
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
DataHandle = 0x1
FACILITY_CONF ID=002 #0x00f9 LEN=0019 01:34:43:73
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Info = 0x0
FacilitySelector = 0x1
FacilityConfirmationParameter = <00 00>
DATA_B3_IND ID=002 #0x00fc LEN=0022 01:34:43:73
Controller/PLCI/NCCI = 0x10101
Data = <ab ab ab ab aa aa aa aa aa ab>
DataLength = 0x800
DataHandle = 0x2
Flags = 0x0